Access teacher Certification Modules



This video will show you how to access teacher modules. These modules contain tutorial videos and coding challenge playlists to help you feel more confident teaching coding. To access them, sign on the to the 9 Dots platform. You can do this by navigating to and clicking the pink sign in button either at the top right or here. Sign in using Clever, Google, or Classlink. On the left side, you'll see two classes: the class you teach, indicated by the book icon; underneath that, you'll see your teacher modules, indicated by the rocket ship icon. Click on this to access the modules. 

There are two types of teacher modules: concept modules and preparation modules. Concept modules cover a specific skill but apply to many grade levels. The sequences concept module is a good place to start if you're new and want know more about how to code. Preparation modules are specific to your grade level's curriculum. There is one preparation module for each student module that you or your co-teacher will be teaching. Start at your first preparation module to get an overview of your students' first ten lessons. To start any module, click Start. Your progress will be saved and you can come back to these modules at any time.