Code is Everywhere
Computer Science careers are among the fastest growing and highest paid careers. Yet, students of color, girls and low income students continue to be excluded from CS education opportunities. Creating access to real CS opportunities means starting early. This station will introduce you to the many opportunities that unfold for students once they learn how to code. Learn more about these opportunities, and plan to share resources with your students in upcoming coding lessons.
The Challenge
Learn about the breadth of opportunities that students can actualize once they’ve had the chance to study Computer Science. Explore career paths and watch some of the interviews below to find out some of the ways professional programmers are using code for change. Some of the resources are more- or less- student friendly, depending on the grade level you teach. How might you go about sharing these resources with your students? How might you explain to them why CS is an important field that they could enter into? Outline your plan in the graphic organizer below and pick an upcoming lesson to incorporate the video into.
Guiding questions as you explore:
- What resources surprised or interested you?
- What stories do you think your students will be interested to learn about?
- How will coding in elementary school prepare your students to pursue Computer Science?
- What career connections might your students be interested in that aren't explored below?