
Our 9 Dots curriculum covers foundational coding concepts and strategies including, sequencing, debugging, loops, conditionals, and functions, but there is so much more to learn beyond PixelBots. If you have mastered our foundational skills, then you are ready to explore more advanced topics within Computer Science. In this station, you will build a project by choosing a self-guided tutorial & learn more about how coding can be used to build interactive applications.

The Challenge

Select one of our recommended Hour of Code tutorials below. These tutorials will teach you new coding languages, such as Python & JavaScript, and will show you how coding can be used to build interactive web applications. Select one of the options below:

  • Learn how to use Python by completing this Rock, Paper, Scissors tutorial. Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is commonly used in web development, data analysis, and scripting. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Python by writing an interactive game.
  • Learn how to create a simple website by trying this tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the three main languages software developers use to create websites.
  • Learn more about JavaScript by trying a Stopwatch Builder tutorial. JavaScript is the most commonly used language to make websites interactive. This tutorial will show you just how you can use coding to make a dynamic & interactive experience.

If you would like to explore other activities, you can browse Hour of Code and filter activities by grade level and topic.

Close Out: When we come back together as a group, be prepared to share what you've learned during this workshop!

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