Connecting CS to Other Subjects
Computer Science has connections to other school subjects including Math and ELA. In this workshop, we’re going to take you through some resources to help you get started with making these connections with your students. We’ll start with a review of how 9 Dots lessons connect to Common Core Math and ELA standards. Then we’ll read a few articles and look at some activities outside of 9 Dots that are designed to make these connections. We’ll end our workshop with an opportunity for you to set some goals and plan how you’ll connect Computer Science to Math and ELA in your class.
9 Dots Lessons Connections to Math and ELA Review
- Open a 9 Dots lesson of your choice. Here are a few to choose from:
- Read the standards section
- Answer the following questions:
- How does this lesson connect to Math?
- How does this lesson connect to ELA?
Computer Science in Math & ELA Primers
Read these articles on coding’s connections to Math and ELA.
- How Coding Supports Mathematical Practices
- Math Education: The Roots of Computer Science
- Use Coding to Engage Students in Reading, Writing Lessons
Additional Resources
Examples of Computer Science in Math
Examples of Computer Science in ELA
The Challenge
Now that you’ve had time to explore how Computer Science can connect to other subjects, what will you do to guide your students to make these connections? What are some things you can do to connect coding to ELA? Science? Math?